A facelift can help "turn back the clock" by removing some of the visible signs of aging from your face. 这个过程可以消除多余的脂肪, 收紧面部底层肌肉,使面部皮肤光滑. 虽然整容不能完全阻止自然衰老的过程, 它能让你看起来更年轻、更有活力.
- 下颌下垂,或下颌线条不清晰
- Deep wrinkles in the cheeks and sagging of the "highlight" areas of the cheekbones
- 松弛的皮肤皱纹,垂直的“绳索”或颈部多余的脂肪组织
- Deep lines, or folds, running from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth
整容手术不是为某些情况设计的, 比如下垂的眉毛, 上眼睑和下眼睑有多余的皮肤和脂肪沉积, 或者嘴角的皱纹. However, your facial plastic surgeon can suggest other procedures that may be right for you. 在很多情况下, facelifts are performed in combination with other procedures such as nose reshaping, 脖子上电梯, 额头上电梯, 眼皮手术 还有皮肤治疗.
如果你正在考虑整容, 你将首先与面部整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜进行会诊. Please come to your initial visit with information about your medical history, 包括之前的手术, 现在和过去的健康问题, 还有任何药物吗?, vitamins or nutritional supplements you are currently taking or have taken recently.
血压失控等医疗状况, blood clotting problems and the tendency to develop excessive scarring may cause problems before and after surgery. 你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜会检查你是否有这些潜在的健康问题. 也, if you plan on losing weight, you should discuss this with your surgeon. It is often recommended that you wait to have a facelift until you reach your desired weight, 这样手术后就不会有多余的皮肤.
在咨询期间, 你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜会评估你的脸, 包括你的皮肤, 潜在的面部组织和骨骼结构. Your hairline will also be examined to determine where incisions can be discreetly placed.
If you decide to have a facelift and your surgeon thinks that you are a good candidate for the procedure, he or she will thoroughly explain the techniques and anesthesia that will be used, 将进行手术的设备类型, 以及所涉及的风险和成本. 一定要问你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜你可能有任何问题, 表达你对手术的担忧和期望.
Although facelifts are a very common procedure and the risks associated with the procedure are rare and often temporary, it is very important to understand and discuss them with your surgeon before having the surgery. Some of the potential complications may include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), 感染和麻醉反应.
You can help minimize certain risks by following the instructions of your plastic surgeon, 手术前后都有. 一旦手术日期确定, your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. 其中包括饮酒指南, 吸烟, 服用和避免服用某些药物和维生素. 如果你吸烟, it is highly recommended that you stop 吸烟 for a period of time before and after surgery. 也, 如果你的头发短, you may want to grow your hair long enough to cover any scars while they are healing.
建议你在手术后安排人开车送你回家, 然后照顾你,直到你感觉好些为止.
整容s are performed in an office-based surgical suite, hospital or outpatient surgery center. If you are admitted to the hospital or surgery center, you will usually only stay one or two nights. 让你在手术过程中感到舒适, 你将被局部或全身麻醉, 或者静脉镇静. 局部麻醉使面部和周围区域麻木, 同时让你在手术中保持清醒. 全身麻醉让你在整个过程中都处于睡眠状态. 你可以和你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜讨论你想要哪种麻醉. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the procedure usually takes between two to four hours.
有许多不同的整容技术. 根据你的特征和美容目标, 你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜会根据你的需要进行手术. The surgeon will generally begin the procedure with an incision in the hair just above and in front of the ear, 在耳前将切口向下延伸. 切口通常在耳垂底部周围继续, 耳朵后面, 还有耳朵后面的头发, 这样就很容易被头发或化妆品掩盖了.
The skin is then raised outward so that the surgeon can reposition and tighten the underlying muscle and connective tissue. 一些脂肪和多余的皮肤可能会被去除. 在某些情况下, the deeper tissues may be repositioned to restore a more youthful contour to your face. 在下巴下也可以做一个切口. This allows your surgeon to remove fatty tissue and smooth the cord-like structures of the underlying muscle in the neck.
修剪完多余的皮肤后, the surgeon closes the incisions with fine sutures (stitches) or by using metal clips. 手术后, your surgeon will apply a dressing to protect the entire area where the incisions have been made. 帮助控制肿胀, cold compresses are often recommended during the first 48 hours after surgery.
复苏 from a facelift occurs in stages, and everyone experiences it at a different rate. 手术完成后, 你将被带到恢复区,在那里你将被密切监视. 在大多数情况下, 几个小时后你就可以回家了, 虽然有些病人会在十大赌博平台排行榜过夜一两天. 如果你在手术后感到任何不适, your surgeon can prescribe pain medications to keep you comfortable during the first few days of recovery.
瘀伤和肿胀是不可避免的,必须预料到. 有时在病人的脸上缠上绷带以减少肿胀, and small drainage tubes are placed beneath the skin to avoid the accumulation of fluids. Try to keep your head elevated during the first few days following surgery to minimize 肿胀. Most of the bruising will reach its peak within the first week and then begin to subside.
也 within the first week, your bandages and stitches will be removed or will dissolve. 你可以洗澡了, 恢复轻微的活动,并开始化妆以掩盖任何变色. 几个星期后, 肿胀, 你脸上的浮肿和麻木会开始消退, 虽然有些麻木可能会持续几个月.
Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions and guidelines for resuming your regular daily routine. 在大多数情况下, after two weeks, you can begin any normal, non-strenuous activities. 几周后,你可以开始所有正常的活动和锻炼.
重要的是要注意,你的面部皮肤是非常敏感的. Avoid direct sunlight during your healing period, and be sure to always use sun block thereafter.
Your surgeon will schedule frequent follow-up visits in the months after surgery to check on your progress. If you have any unusual symptoms between visits or any questions or concerns, 请不要犹豫,给你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜办公室打电话.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.